Before leaving home, remind yourself to put an extra car door key in your pants pocket or pin it to your shirt or slip. Do not put it in your jacket pocket. You get hot, take off your jacket, and unintentionally leave the jacket in the car. You're locked out! Keep an extra door key in your cash box and hide a set on the underside of your car. Valuable time and money will be saved by doing this one simple thing.
Be aware of your surroundings. Always hold your head up and look around. See who is around you before getting out of your car, leaving the showroom, sleeping room, or restaurant. Look people in the eye. Lock your car door immediately upon entry.
Disguise or hide your cash box in a tote or gift bag. Lock your cash box in the trunk of your car. When traveling by air, ship the coins (they are heavy) and wrap the change in a plain envelop and place it in the bottom of your purse. Carry a purse with a strap long enough to put over you head and rest on your neck. You'll be better protected when you are wrestling your luggage. Or use a fanny pack. After the show you can pin a soft wallet to the inside of your waistband, bra, undershirt, or to your blouse, covered with a sweater. Use at least 2 safety pins. Or design a special traveling jacket with big pockets (like a man's jacket). Use Velcro to close the pocket flap. This pocket should be placed to the back of the front panel, towards the side of your body.
Do not concentrate on the fact that you are carrying money. Think, ' I'm carrying bears"
Conceal your cash from airport security inspectors. Wrap your money in a green airport gift shop bag. Put it in the bottom of your purse, tote, or computer bag. The inspectors will think you have a gift and not spot a wad of money.
Travel with 2 major credit cards. Bring your health and car insurance cards, drivers license and small change for tolls and out of pocket expenses. Keep another credit card in your cash box.
Before you leave home, write route instructions on a large piece of white paper with a felt tip marker. Write the route in big, bold letters you can see easily from the passenger's seat. Traveling fast you don't have time to read small print on maps or notes.
Lost? Stop at a well lit and busy area to read your map. Keep your doors locked. If you need help, go inside and ask directions. Best is to KNOW where you are going BEFORE you leave home. Anticipate and resolve problems before you leave home.
Keep you eyes on all sides of your car while driving. You spot a suspicious acting driver, get off at the next exit and go to McDonalds or a hotel. Use a cell phone for 'security'. Put an outside antenna on your car and program 911 into the phone's memory.
Join AAA which offers discounts for hotels too. The cost is about $40.00. AAA provides road side service to change a tire, jump start your engine, or help with minor repairs.
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